Yawnz, just woke up when i heard my bro and mum arguing about the pizza they wanna order. Yumzzzz, couldn't bear not to put in my share of opinions in the two pizzas they were getting, grudgingly got up to stop them from ordering hot and spicy...y can't they order smthing diff?? its always e Singapura special / hot and spicy..i prefer pizza hut pizzas just make u want to order theirs when u look at e brochures, canadian pizza shld improve on their brochures, cos they would lose out to many orders...fading colors, sortof old-fashioned layout..hmmm. gee habit of analysing every design i see is damn irritating:P wanna break away from my mon to fri designer job but can't! yah everytime when i start talking about those bus stop poster designs down to the underpass from wisma atrium leading down to Lido my cousin and friends would start nodding in agreement and tt would set me thinking were they nodding just to entertain me or were they truly agreeing with me?design cld be sort of contradictory-_-''' i have e feeling that they weren truly listening anyway.Some would say y not i go design myself? i was like hmmm..would my design be better then e one i was critising? or worse?? so depressing-_-'''
Yah, i found 10 mails in my junk folder today..makes me wanna empty the whole thing but i click on some of them anyway..and i found one saying tt theres this date rape drug that guys use to spike says that this drug called Rohypnol sterilise girls so that they could not conceive permanently...i sort of highly disagree,i mean if this sort of drug is so useful then y do so many women still go for sterilisation operations when they could just drink the drug to do what they want? but the article sound so convincing though...okay there goes,read:
A woman at a Gas nightclub (Mumbai) on Saturday> night was taken by 5 men, who according to hospital> and police reports, gang raped her before dumping> her at Bandstand Mumbai. Unable to remember the> events of the evening, tests later confirmed the> repeat rapes along with traces of rohypnol in her> blood.> > Rohypnol, date rape drug is an essentially a small> sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by> rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their> victims. All they have to do is drop it into the> girl's drink. The girl can't remember a thing the> next morning, of all that had taken place the night> before.> > Rohypnol, which dissolves in drinks just as easily,> is such that the victim doesn't conceive from the> rape and the rapist needn't worry about having a> paternity test identifying him months later. The> drug's effects ARE NOT TEMPORARY - They are> P*E*R*M*A*N*E*N*T.> > Any female that Takes it WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO> CONCEIVE. The weasels can get this drug from anyone> who is in the vet school or any university. It's> that easy, and Rohypnol is about to break out big> on campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there is> even sites on the Internet telling people how to use> it.> > Please forward this to everyone you know,especially> girls. Girls, be Careful when you're out and don't> leave your drink unattended. There was already been> a report in Singapore of girls drink been spike by> Rohypnol.
Isn't there alot of loopholes??
Okie,pizza has come, stupid brother is just too lazy to open e door..i'll come back later to write more hehe,hope my enthusiastic-ness in blogging would last, beef sausages yum:P
I think the whole point of that story was to caution girls or anyone else for that matter to avoid unattended drinks/drinks from strangers... It's true that Rohypnol does not sterilise, but I really think that's a minor issue.
9:06 PM
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