Thursday, April 27, 2006

this is a really cool invention: thermal pad. great for keeping ur hands warm on freeze cold classrooms. $9.90 at mu-ee.

lovely mandarin muffin send to me by dearie at midnight.=)

Friday, April 21, 2006


Sorrie for e long absence, just too tired to blog, crazy deadlines and stuff in school, im zombied right now, so might as well blog. Some photos of recent activities. If u guts wonder where i got e lovely dress at, its at :

i paid onli 21 buckaroos for my dress. v pretty.=P

forgive my fat arm, just wanna show u guys e lovely detail on the waist line of the dupin dress.

pardon me being narcissist for awhile.=)

I got my dupin dress, hee. its lovely! i shall need a new pair of heels!!

Nuz e flutist and me after e concert.

Qingqing came to e concert! Turns out that QQ is a fren of Yongrui , our double bassist.=D

me and my desk partner after our mendelssohn concert, pardon my fren's shakiy hands.=D

My violin desk partner 's school in Wales, so lovely right?? NAFA building so ugly lor, spoils the mood.=