Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Its been such a long time that i've truely blogged..actually photos do tell whats happening in my life dont you think?=) Nothings pretty changed much..except that i'm getting vainer and vaaainer till my zhu peng gou you cant stand me. I've become pretty bimbotic since i started sch at nafa..hmm. For example..never once did i step out without my eyeliner..getting really silly over nice clothes..and my fetish for shorts's growing steadily. Hai. Have i really become a bimbo?? All senseless talks about fashion, makeup,with no substantial stuff in me? Cos i've been hearing the word "bimbo" quite alot recently. I dunno..i had started sch one and a half yrs ago..with a very determined will to perservere..but it seems that my resolve to work hard has been dissolving rather too quickly. Maybe i'm getting too old for studies ya? Too old to have the bursts of energies for mugging through exams, getting through endless assignments and portfolios. Time's flying past me, and i still live throught he days blurrily. FRUSTRATED.
Ok..bimbo me is gg back to indulge in my harvest moon computer game...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Hmm, i went crazy and baked 3 different foods today..woke up at 7.30am..and couldnt sleep for some reason.=X So might as well do something right.=P cappuccino choc raisin biscotti, this is really good and crisp, the best part..not fattening! cos i reduced the amount of sugar added..and theres no butter/oil involved. Dunk it in ur coffee! = )